The king of comedy on TV, Sanjay Kohli and his wife Binaifer Kohli recently attended an event by the Mumbai Traffic Police. Talking about the event, Sanjay Kohli, who has produced the "Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai" and Jijaji Chhat Per Hai", says that it was quite an honour for them to be part of it. “It was a proud privilege to be part of this event among such dignitaries of the police force. We have great respect and regard for the police force. We are there whenever and wherever they call us. My entire family is in the army. My father died while serving in the army. So I have great respect for all government officers. It was a matter of privilege to attend the event and get honoured. A memento was given to us by the Bombay police force,” he says.
In fact, both Sanjay and Binaifer Kohli often lend their support to good causes. “Life has given us so much and therefore we should give back to it. I don't think I have done something great, rather I think I should do more. Binaifer Kohli says "I have decided that in a year or two I will retire and I will do something about global warming for the betterment of the next generation,”
Their production house Edit II is a big brand now. Talking about it, Sanjay Kohli says, “Edit II was always a big brand. We did "Family no 1 " on Sony, which till today is one of the 5 best shows in television history. It is the only one to be nominated in the international awards. FIR was an iconic show that ran for 9 years. Bhabiji is a rage and so loved. I feel good as I work hard. It has taken a lot of effort to reach where we are today and God has always been kind to us. We still work 16 hours a day. Our team is great & channel team has always been helpful. My Creative team especially Shashank Bali and Manoj Santoshi are my strengths and when the environment is positive then good work flourishes.”